(Tectona Grandis)
Heartwood is tobacco colored to reddish brown, with irregular dark brown or blackish streaks and variegations, with more or less of an oily or waxy appearance. The heartwood is sharply demarcated from the grayish or yellowish sapwood.
More about the species
Family: Boraginaceae Canalete
Scientific Name: Cordia Alliodora
Other Names: Anacahuite, Baria (Cuba), Siricote, Bocote, Cupane, Amapa asta (Mexico), Canalete (Colombia, Venezuela), Louro pardo (Brazil), Loro negro (Argentina).
Workability: A readily worked timber, finishing very smoothly.
Drying: The wood is difficult to dry; readily develops surface checking and end splitting. Kiln schedule T6-D2 is suggested for 4/4 stock and T3-D1 for 8/4.
Durability: Durability is rated high.
Uses: Fine furniture, cabinet work, turnery, flooring, rotary and sliced veneer, and rifle stocks.
Technical Data
Janka hardness: 2,200 lbs
Density: 630 Kg/m3 or 0.63 g/cm3
Bending strength: 15,700 psi
Modulous of elasticity: 1,580 (1,000) psi
Tangential shrinkage: 7.4%
Radial shrinkage: 4%
* All values given at 12% moisture content.