More about the species
Family: Boraginaceae Canalete
Scientific Name: Cordia Alliodora
Other Names: Anacahuite, Baria (Cuba), Siricote, Bocote, Cupane, Amapa asta (Mexico), Canalete (Colombia, Venezuela), Louro pardo (Brazil), Loro negro (Argentina).
Workability: A readily worked timber, finishing very smoothly.
Drying: The wood is difficult to dry; readily develops surface checking and end splitting. Kiln schedule T6-D2 is suggested for 4/4 stock and T3-D1 for 8/4.
Durability: Durability is rated high.
Uses: Fine furniture, cabinet work, turnery, flooring, rotary and sliced veneer, and rifle stocks.
Technical Data
Janka hardness: 2,200 lbs
Density: 630 Kg/m3 or 0.63 g/cm3
Bending strength: 15,700 psi
Modulous of elasticity: 1,580 (1,000) psi
Tangential shrinkage: 7.4%
Radial shrinkage: 4%
* All values given at 12% moisture content.