About Us
Maderas Sostenibles S.A. (MSSA) is Nicaraguan company with a proven ability to acquire lands, establish high-value timber plantations, and grow native and exotic tree species for profit.
The company’s core business is to purchase or obtain long-term land use rights to establish plantations. It purchases teak seeds from certified sources in Costa Rica and hand-selects seeds from high-quality native trees in Nicaragua. MSSA’s reforestation efforts have increased from an average of 40 hectares (has) per year from 2011-2014, 120 has in 2015, and over 120 ha planted and thinned in 2016. As a result, it now manages 785 acres (314 has) of plantations on almost 1250 acres (500 has) in three diverse locations:
Limonapa, Chinandega (2015): 360 hectares (has) of land owned by private investor with 240 has planted (net) in teak with remaining area in certified organic agricultural production (Cacao, Dragon Fruit, Moringa, Sesame);
San Rafael, Managua (2012): 28 hectares (net) owned by private investor that MSSA has planted with teak and native species;
Pueblo Nuevo, Rio San Juan, Rivas: (2007): 42 has planted with teak, mahogany and various native species with an additional 40 has in native forest. The pristine forest is under sustainable management, and previously disturbed forest is being improved through reforestation.

Planting its first tree in Nicaragua in 2007, MSSA been converting deforested land into productive plantations for over 9 years. MSSA has planted 450,000 trees on the farms it manages.
Sustainable reforestation has always been a company priority and in Addition to these trees MSSA has participated in community planting projects:
2008-2010, MSSA produced and distributed 60,000 trees to indigenous communities in Nicaragua’s Miskito Coast.
2012-2014, it distributed 40,000 trees to local communities in collaboration with INAFOR, Nicaragua’s National Forest Service, and the Municipality of Mateares.
In 2016, MSSA will continue working to ensure sufficient wood for future generations by distributing another 50,000 trees between Mateares and Limonapa in the Department of Chinandega.
By end of 2016 MSSA will have planted a total of 600,000 trees.
MSSA’s sister company: Masaya & Co. is a furniture brand developed by
MSSA to sell high-end handcrafted wood furniture from sustainably harvested wood for both the local and export markets.
Both MSSA and Masaya & Co are committed to fostering the growth of wood products industry based on responsible forestry and legal compliance with government regulations.
MSSA also process sustainable sourced wood from the natural forest. From 2008 through 2012, all wood processed by MSSA was from management plans in hurricane affected areas. From 2012-2016, wood was sourced from teak plantations and 25-year management plans approved by INAFOR, the Nicaraguan Forest Service.
The company’s unparalleled strength is based on a competent, honest and savvy team of Nicaraguans and Americans that is committed to concrete results, cost control, and value-added processing. Its in-house forestry team is experienced in plantation production as shown by successful development in various parts of same country. It uses no outsourcing, and prefers total vertical integration of management and processing with high value-added skills (planting, harvesting, processing).
Finally, the owners and managers are fully committed to the country and the sector. Not only do they have their own “skin in the game” but they use experienced independent auditors to review their operations on a regular basis.
Our Team
Aram Terry
Lenin Rosales
Roger Ampie
Abril Zepeda