Plantation Forestry Overview
A few reasons why we are investing in Tropical Hardwood Timber Assets:
Few investments combine great economic potential with the positive environmental and social impact that tree farms offer:
Lumber ranks third among world commodities after oil and natural gas.
Timber holdings have been one of the highest performing alternative investments for 40 yrs.
Precious hardwoods such as teak, mahogany, pochote, rosewood, and Spanish cedar possess shorter growth cycles and higher market prices than northern timbers, creating a higher rate of return overall.
Tree farms are excellent long-term investments, protecting the investor from inflation while also producing opportunities for short-term profits.
Tree farms capture carbon, improve water quality, reduce erosion, and restore the soil & habitat for native species.
Tree farms create more jobs per hectare than cattle farming or subsistence agriculture, an important contribution to economically stressed communities
Investing in timber plantations is a secure investment in a real asset

A Vertically Integrated Tropical Forestry Company.
Maderas Sostenibles experience in timber, extraction processing and export set us apart from most plantation companies. We know our timber assets because we manage the process from seed, to nursery, to plantation, to harvest, to factory and export. Our plantation division handles all steps in the plantation process from nursery to harvest. Our milling and export operations will ensure the maximum return when our plantations reach maturity.