Spanish Cedar
(Cedrela odorata)
Spanish Cedar or Cedro Real is in the same family as Mahogany and is another much sought after tropical timber species which once predominated the forests from Mexico to Brazil. Traditional logging in the 1800’s and 1900’s would primarily target just two species; Spanish Cedar and Mahogany as both float and can be extracted through the network of rivers which existed in the virgin rainforest. Spanish Cedar is also on the CITES endangered species list due to its high demand internationally which has led to its depletion.
More about the species
Family: Meliaceae
Scientific Name: Cedrela Odorata
Other Names: Cedro (Central and South America), Acajou rouge (French West Indies), Cedre rouge (French Guiana), Ceder (Surinam).
Workability: Cedro is easy to work with hand and machine tools but somewhat difficult to bore cleanly. Easy to cut into veneer but with some tendency for wooly surfaces to occur; good nailing and gluing properties; stains and finishes well but gums and oils sometimes are a problem in polishing.
Drying: Easy to air-season or kiln-dry, slight warp with little or no checking. Kiln schedule T10-D4S is suggested for 4/4 stock and T8-D3S for 8/4. A 200o F heating for 8 to 17 hours at a relative of 60 percent is suggested to control oil and gum exudates in service. Movement in service rated as small.
Durability: Heartwood is rated as durable but there is some variability within species; resistant to both subterranean and dry-wood termites. Low resistance to attack by marine borers. Wood has excellent weathering characteristics.
Uses: Wood is favored for millwork, cabinets, fine furniture, musical instruments, boat building, patterns, sliced- and rotary-cut veneer, decorative and utility plywoods, cigar wrappers, and cigar boxes.
Technical Data
Janka hardness: 600 lbs
Density: 525 Kg/m3 or 0.52 g/cm3
Bending strength: 11,530 psi
Modulous of elasticity: 1,440 (1,000 psi)
Tangential shrinkage: 6.3% Radial shrinkage: 4.2%
* All values given at 12% moisture content.