(Tabebuia Rosea)
Commonly known as Roble de Sabana or Rosy Trumpert Tree because of its large pink flowers, is a large tropical tree growing up to 30 m in height. It is common in moist or rather dry forest, often in open fields or along roadsides, most abundant on the Pacific plains, but often on steep hillsides, at elevations up to 1,200 meters. This specie usually functions as a shade tree in coffee and cocoa plantations but makes an excellent timber. It is sought after by furniture makers as it resembles the grain and striking ray flake pattern white oak.
More about the species
Family: Bignoniaceae
Scientific Name: Tabebuia rosea
Other Names: Apamate, Roble Macuelizo (Nicaragua), Roble de Sabana (Costa Rica), Guayacán Rosado, Pink Poui, Pink Tecoma, Rosy Trumpet Tree, Tropical Oak.
Workability: The wood is easy to mill and work with tools in various machining operations; planing requires care to prevent rough surfaces due to the presence of interwoven fibers. It is easy to stain and varnish but requires the application of a sealer prior those processes. It remains stable after mortising, molding and drilling. It is easy to glue with all types of adhesives. Pre-drill is recommended for nails and screws.
Drying: Roble wood dries quickly using both air drying and in kiln drying methods. It shows little tendency to twist and crack. Recommended kiln schedules are A (UK) and T6-D2 (US) for 4/4 lumber, and T3-D1 (US) for 8/4 lumber.
Durability: The heartwood is rated as moderately durable (class 3 according to ASTM D 2017-71) to mildly durable (class 4 according to EN 350-1); it is not recommended for outdoor use.
Uses: Fine decorative furniture and cabinets, joinery, interior coatings, molded products, clock boxes, urns, flooring (parquet), engineered flooring, panels, veneer, window and door frames (laminated), and crafts.
Technical Data
Janka hardness: 1,170 lbs
Density: 600 Kg/m3 or 0.60 g/cm3
Bending strength: 17,795 psi
Modulous of elasticity: 9,794 (1,000) psi
Tangential shrinkage: 1.8%
Radial shrinkage: 0.9%
* All values given at 12% moisture content.