Andiroba Hardwood
(Carapa guianensis)
In the same family as Genuine Mahogany, Andiroba is a beautiful hardwood that ranges from Belize to Brazil. Its heartwood has color varying from light salmon to reddish-brown, that darkens with time and sun exposure to a medium to dark shade. Its rich texture and favorable grain make it a favorite species of woodworkers of all types, and an excellent substitute for Mahogany.
More about the species
Family: Meliaceae
Scientific Name: Carapa guianensis
Other Names: Cedro Macho (Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Honduras), Royal Mahogany (US), Bateo (Panama), Masabalo (Columbia), Carapa (Venezuela)
Workability: The heart wood of Andiroba responds very well to all types of machining, and is highly workable with hand tools. The grain sands easily and accepts finishes well. Adhesives respond well to the long grain and end grain.
Drying: Carapa guianensis is moderately easy to air or kiln dry. It dries at a moderate pace, developing slight drying defects. Kiln schedules T3-C2 and T3-C1 are recommended for 4/4 and 8/4 stocks, respectively.
Durability: Andiroba performs well and is long lasting in interior settings. Not recommended for exterior use in cases of direct ground contact.
Uses: Furniture, cabinetry, mouldings, windows and doors, joinery, paneling, medium to light construction.
Technical Data
Janka hardness: 1,220 lbs
Density: 705 Kg/m3 or 0.67 g/cm3
Bending strength: 15,620 psi
Modulous of elasticity: 1,850 (1,000 psi)
Tangential shrinkage: 7.6% Radial shrinkage: 3.1%
* All values given at 12% moisture content.